When a photographer and an stylist join forces and photograph inside the most beautiful houses,
when the magic of athmosphere and aestetics is put into each photo to repflect the soul and history
of various people mostly living in the countryside, the result is a stunning collection of extraordinary
interior features, which are published globally in world's leading magazines.

André Reuter... an established and well published photographer, specialized in
Country-Interiors, Gardens, Artists and almost forgotten Craftmanship.
He was influenced early on by his grandfather, who has worked as
a well known Journalist and Photographer.
Andre is a lover of old houses, old cars, sailing boats, dogs, horses
and the whole country living.
He is always scouting houses, unusual homes, places in order to return
to capture what gives room for peace and rest.
His work is published in magazins around the world.
Andre grew up in the country, lived and worked in the City for a long time
as an advertising Photographer.
Finally he returned back to the country to find his true passion.
He now lives his own Country life in a cottage near the baltic coast in
Northern Germany.
Miriam Hannemann...
...having travelled the world for over 25 years, working as a stylist on thousands of
fashion-shoots, I now work in Country Interiors.
My parents, both designers, always said : We are "Eye-People"! It explains why my
eyes are always open to Interior design, style, and compositions.
My soul and my heart has always been seeking for inspiration in nature,
creative people and their homes.
My home is in a lake district of Northern Germany.
It is my passion since many years to work on Country Interiors for international
I am a great observer and a collector of materials, vintage and modern pieces,
of impressions and traditions, gathering ideas, loving peoples unusual homes
and always trying to capture what gives room for peace, creativity.
This is of great importance and brings valuable tranquility which is of such
importance in our global world.